In church

Unless otherwise indicated, these services take place at St. Paul's.


After Sunday Mass - there is tea and coffee in the hall, please stay if you can.

Prayer (sick/departed) list - The list is by the “Venerable Bede” window. Please update the names on it. During the week the list is on the Lady Chapel altar—please feel free to amend the list during the week as well.

Saturday - The ancient Septuagesima-tide begins next Sunday. The alleluia will be omitted in the liturgy as a constant reminder that Lent is approaching and we should all start planning our lenten observances. After the 9.30am Low Mass we will bury the Alleluia into the Tomb which then will be used from Maundy Thursday to the Easter Vigil.

Lent group - More information closer to Lent but you can already save the date: Lent group will be on Saturday morning after Holy Rosary and will end with a simple lunch. Please look out for the list on the Noticeboard during these coming weeks so you can put your name on it and help us to cater for the right number of people.

Dates: every Saturday between 8 March - 19 April

Topic: The Last Seven Words of Our Lord Jesus Christ — every meeting (seven Saturdays) will consist of watching some art work, listening to some meditation, of group discussion and of prayer in connection with each of the seven last “words”.

The last seven words are:

  • “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”
  • “Today shalt thou be with Me in paradise.”
  • “Woman, behold thy Son.”
  • “My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?”
  • “I thirst.”
  • “It is finished.”
  • “Father, into Thy hands I commend My spirit.”

Church lights - The church is open daily to allow everyone to come in to pray, to light a candle, or just to rest. We have received many positive feedback from people (mainly through SPOT and the visitors’ book). To make the building more welcoming, some lights are left on (dimmed) during the day as on cloudy days and in late afternoon the church can be rather dark. Please do not switch the lights off — if in doubt, ask/text/call the Vicar.


Click on the event for details.
9 Feb
Holy Communion at Fleet
Date 09.02.2025 09:00 - 09:30
17 Feb
Fish & Chips
17.02.2025 13:00
21 Feb
Requiem Mass
21.02.2025 12:00
28 Feb
Mass with Anointing
28.02.2025 12:00
1 Mar
Cell meeting
01.03.2025 10:30 - 11:30

Saint of the day

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