Below is a list of all the active groups in our Parishes. We hope everyone will find something of interest.
If you want to join, please, get in touch with the Parish Office or simply come to one of our meetings.

Rosary Group

We meet weekly on Saturdays at 10am in church to pray together the Holy Rosary.

As we say these ancient prayers, we meditate on the life-events ("mysteries") of the Lord Jesus. The joyful mysteries recall his conception, birth, and childhood. The sorrowful mysteries remind us of all he suffered for us out of love. Finally the glorious mysteries see his final victory over death and sin and Mary's assumption into heaven.

Prayer cards are available and they make it easy to join in these prayers even without previous experience. The Rosary lasts for about 25 minutes and is a meditative, calming, refreshing prayer.

Explore the Truth

We meet for this Bible group fortnightly on Thursdays at 4pm in church. While the group is open to all, it is more suited for adults. All are welcome to participate in ways they find most helpful - some will be sharing their views with the group, some will only ask questions, and some again will simply listen to others.

Every year we choose a different topic. In the past, we talked about the Sacrments, creation, or the articles of the Creed. Suggestions for topics are always most welcome!

This year we read the Gospel of St. Mark together, verse by verse. The group is relatively small (8-10 people) and is led by the Vicar.

Walsingham Cell

We meet on the first Saturday of every month after the Rosary (around 10.30am) in the parish hall. The meetings are organised by our Cell of the Society of Our Lady of Walsingham (you can find out more about the Society here - a "cell" simply means a local group of the Society) and they are open to all.

During the meetings various topics are discussed - this year we have been learning about how people lived in Palestine in Jesus' times. Tea, coffee, and cake are served during the meetings for free, offred by our Cell Members.

Our Cell is under the patronage of our Lady of Walsingham and of St. Bernadette of Soubirous.

S.P.O.T. Volunteers

S.P.O.T. is so much more than simply a charity shop. Over the years, it has become a true community hub where some come for a good bargain hunt but many of our customers come back for a good chat and a cup of tea.

Run completely by volunteers, S.P.O.T. plays an essential part both in our outreach and fundraising. Please see the menu dedicated to our charity shop if you want to know more about the causes we support.

We are always looking for volunteers to join our friendly group. Whether you have people skills, or prefer to help out at the back sorting donations, there are many tasks which need a helping hand: customer service, cleaning, sorting donations, arranging the shopwindows, preparing a cup of tea, etc.


Our Choir accepts applications for membership during the year. Its main task is to sing church music during Sunday morning worship (High Mass) and on other occasions during the year.

The Choir is open to all who love singing and no previous experience is required.

Rehearsals are on Wednesday mornings at 11am but there is flexibility both about the day and the time - this should not put off anyone wanting to join us.

Our main repertoir consists of traditional hymns, Mass propers (introits, gradulas, etc.), and simple motets.

Servers' Guild

One of the greatest privileges is to serve at the Altar. The Guild (offically called The Guild of Servants of the Sanctuary and this is their website) is the national body of all servers and is constituted by local chapters.

Our chapter here at St. Paul's is under the patronage of St. Aldhelm Bishop. Sunday duties are assigned based on a rota and we also meet for Evensong and Benediction (see more about it on this page) once a month to pray together. Occasional rehearsals help us to perform our duties around the Altar to the best of our abilities.

The group is open to all Christians of any denomination who are willing to commit to serving at the Altar, come to rehearsals, and to take part in the Chapter's life.

Forward in Faith

Forward in Faith was founded in November 1992, following the General Synod’s approval of the legislation permitting the ordination of women to the priesthood. Forward in Faith also supports the work of the Catholic Group in General Synod. We are committed to the Catholic faith as the Church of England received it, and to proclaiming it afresh in this generation. We long for the visible unity of Christ’s Church, and especially for communion between the Church of England and the rest of the Western Church. For these reasons, we are unable in conscience to accept the ordination of women as bishops, priests, or deacons.

Forward in Faith advises and supports parishes that have passed a resolution under the House of Bishops’ Declaration on the Ministry of Bishops and Priests.

Fish & Chips Club

Well, the name says it all... we meet fortnighty at 1pm in the Parish Hall for a good  Fish & Chips delivered fresh by a loca chippy.

The lunch club met for years on Fridays but for the time being we had to move it to Mondays (fortnightly) so we can run our Warm Welcome initiative.

The club is open to anyone over 50 but booking is essential - unfortunatelly we cannot accomodate walk-ins. For dates, please, check the Calendar.

For £5 (to be paid in advance) you get fresh Fish & Chips, a hot drink, and some ice cream. On the entrance tickets are available for our usual draw of lovely prizes.

Gardening Team

The main purpose of gardens around churches is not estethic (so the surroundings look nice) but theological. Everything started in a garden: God was "walking" in Eden, talking to Adam and Eve and they lived in perfect peace and harmony. Though we sinned and so had to leave Eden behind, the desire of that lost paradise remained deeply rooted in our hearts. Indeed, the Temple of Jerusalem was decorated with golden trees, plants, and flowers to evoke the garden of Even. Before Christ, the Temple was the closest we could get to God. Finally, Christ himself begin his saving Passion in the garden of Getsemani and was buried in a tomb in a garden close to the Calvary. It was in the garden he appeared to Mary of Magdala.

Gardens around churches proclaim this great mstery: life was created, lost, and then restored in a garden. Caring for them is a form of proclaming the Gospel. Come and join our "gardening missionaries" here at St. Paul's.

Sunday School

During our main service on Sunday (10.30am) we run a Sunday School. It is a safe environement and our activities are run by DBS checked volunteers.

While children are often mesmerized by the colours, smells, and sounds of our Anglo-Catholic worship, often they may find the first part of the Mass (readings, sermon) a bit boring... At Sunday School they have activities taylored to their age and span of attention. They learn about Jesus and the most important stories in the Bible. On more "chalenging" days we simply let them play and run around supervised so by the time they come back to join the congregation for the second part of our worship, they had already let off enough steam... Parents are always welome to join (or just to check up on) their children at Sunday School.