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Welcome to our website. We are a benefice of two Church of England parishes in the Anglo-Catholic tradition.

As Christians, first of all we try to know, love, and serve God to the best of our abilities. We also strive to proclaim the Lord Jesus, to help those in need, to accept each other with patience and charity, and to welcome all. As someone put it: we are practicing Christians and, alas, we are not always good at it... so we keep practicing. If you want to be part of this "constant practicing," come and join our church family!

Here are a few basic information about our life and activities. To know more please use the main menu to explore our website. 

Upcoming events

20 Jan
Fish & Chips
Date 20.01.2025 13:00
24 Jan
Mass with Anointing
24.01.2025 12:00
26 Jan
Bring and Share Parish Lunch
26.01.2025 13:00 - 15:00
1 Feb
Cell meeting
01.02.2025 10:30 - 11:30

Weekly sheet


Please consider helping our parish life, activities and social outreach. Thank you.
PayPal is a simple and secure way to donate. These donation go directly to St. Paul's. Please click here to see other ways to donate either to St. Paul's or to Fleet Holy Trinity.