Confession (Sacrament of Reconciliation)

  • What is Confession?

    Confession is one of the seven Sacraments instituted by the Lord Jesus for the forgiveness of sins. Through this Sacrament Jesus continues his healing ministry. In it we obtain forgiveness for our sins and we are reconciled with God and the Church. The sacrament “washes us clean” and renews us in Christ.

  • The "Seal of Confession"
  • Confession seems to be just an excuse: I can do whatever I want, I will just simply confess it…
  • I have never done this before…
  • And what is the Church of England’s teaching on Confession?
  • Is Confession in the Bible?
  • But why should I confess my sins to a priest?
  • Can’t I just confess sins directly to God in prayer?
  • Do I really need Confession?
  • What are the benefits of Confession?
  • What should I confess? And how often?
  • I don’t think I have “big sins”!
  • BEFORE Confession
  • IN Confession
  • AFTER Confession
  • Examination of conscience